Carnivale Art Style

Abstract colour paintings

monolith show paintinglisted below are 20 colorful abstract paintings to inspire and motivate you, through the artists featured within musician spotlight. To learn more about the performers to discover even more paintings they have developed, click on the artist’s name you need to take right to their particular meeting.

  • Sarah Shaw is a musician from Brighton, British. Sarah’s painting is a component of the Monolith series.

”My paintings usually fool around with symbolism various objects also to explore various ways of conveying a sense of 'the sublime', a feeling of the epic (perhaps a sense of spirituality) and personal (us as little people). These latest paintings appeared from a desire for the memorial blossoms which can be often strapped around lampposts to keep in mind the cherished one who has fulfilled their end at that place..a daily, often sombre, often surprisingly stunning note of your own mortality in a regular mundane sense.”

  • Teresa teenage is a Canadian musician, along with her abstract painting is called anything regarding Creep Staring Eyes.

“It's probably pretty close to abstract expressionism. Although i'd believe because I've held myself isolated from art generally speaking, I developed a distinctive design of personal that sticks out from the crowd.

  • Cheryl O is Canadian musician who paints with watercolor, acrylic and oils. The woman highlighted artwork is known as She Sells water Shells.

”in a single term, I would personally call my art "exploring". I enjoy attempt new things, new methods, brand new ways of combining colour, brand-new unusual paint results. My goal is to please the viewer in color, surface, shape, motion - so share the delight.”

  • Tanielle Childers is a singer from Colorado, united states of america, along with her presented piece the following is entitled Voyage.

eyes abstract artwork”My type of tasks are stylized representational and non-representational art mingled with whimsy and imagination. The fine, frequently complex details inhale effervescence into each piece. These signature elements become the last touch of art.”

  • Shukla Chowdhury is an abstract expressionist painter from Asia. Her artwork is named Utopia.

”My favored form of work employs the Abstract Expressionism philosophy. In my opinion into the dynamism of nature, and I attempt to capture this high quality during my paintings. There Is Absolutely No brush-work during my paintings; all might work is performed utilizing various resources like knives, spatulas, fabric, sponge etc, and I also consciously prevent the use of a brush, because I feel much more connected with the creation when I'm in direct contact with the shows and surface I'm painting.”

  • Jacky Murtaugh’s abstract paintings all really colorful with many activity. The woman featured artwork is called Velocity.

”It’s hard to place a label on one’s very own style, especially as mine has changed such through the years. In my early in the day times I happened to be a slave to realism but when I grow as an artist We have left those shackles behind and from now on have actually a much looser style more a kin towards the impressionists. I like to let things occur by accident and make an effort to make the markings look unintentional, perhaps not deliberate, all-natural as with nature. I am attracted to light as well as its impacts and this design adds some thing on subject-matter.”

  • Auckland, brand new Zealand singer Reina Cottier, creates vibrant art filled up with flowing forms and colour. Her piece is named Surf sunlight Sky.

”It's hard to identify my design within one word, and also after that its a variety of many things... Mostly abstract, making use of flowing shapes and vibrant color to express the thing I am feeling.”

abstract painting artFeatured here is a painting by Irish musician Caroline Swaine-Donohoe titled Skylight.

  • Rob Heath is an abstract expressionist painter from Loire, France. His abstract artwork is entitled Liquidity.
  • Monika Mori is an abstract expressionist painter from Austria. This artwork is a component of her Roses for Cy series.
  • ”My interest and researches associated with the String Theory, Fractal concept, Hologram concept alongside philosophies of reality in addition to Universe encourage us to do abstract art.”
  • Scott Hile is an abstract artist, photographer and fashion designer from Arizona, USA. His painting listed here is named Flower 1.
  • Samar Asamoah is an abstract artist from great britain.
  • Laura’s abstract painting is called Lace Doilies.
  • Kimberlee Rocca is a foil imaging artist from the American. Her abstract artwork is entitled Sunset Field.
  • Abstract artwork by Maryville, Tennessee, United States Of America singer Dan Cope.

”i really do abstracts, mainly in acrylic, avoid using brushes, simply components of report, elastic bands, feathers or anything else that hits my elegant. I enjoy work flat and wet, allowing the paint to seek it's very own training course. We call my theme, "edge". I try to obtain it between abstract and tangible.”

  • Nancy paints electronic abstracts making use of Painter pc software. Featured is January’s End Two.
  • Sara Morison is a Canadian abstract painter, along with her painting shown is named Glimpsing the Water’s Edge.

”I love the intrigue and mystery of abstract art... the conversation involving the audience and what they see, how it will make all of them feel. I love the versatility of acrylics, from transparency to thick opaque washes and how mark making with watercolor pencils, graphite, inks can mingle and interact with the paints. I restrict my palette and discover where that takes me, having no preconceived thought for the endpoint. The process unfolding, reacting, welcoming, playing make a slice of life.”

  • Fiona de Lacy is an Irish singer along with her abstract artwork is entitled The Spectrum.
  • Shana Stern is an abstract musician Austin, Tx. United States Of America who paints with fluid acrylic.
voyage tanielle childers painting shukla chowdhury abstract expressionism colorful abstract painting surf sunshine sky abstract
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Speed Painting - Multicolour Abstract Peacock Painting
Speed Painting - Multicolour Abstract Peacock Painting
Abstract PAINTING, NO PREP OR COLOUR MIXING as i get arty ...
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