Abstract Expressionism Art

Abstract Expressionist artists names

Abstract Expressionism

(Action Painting and Color Field Artwork)

Name: Term utilized around 1920s to spell it out Kandinsky's abstract paintings. Writer Robert Coates first uses the word for contemporary paintings inside March 30, 1946 problem of the brand new Yorker. Supportive critic Harold Rosenberg utilized the term "Action Painting, " while another critic, Clement Greenberg, preferred "American-style artwork." Nevertheless, "Abstract Expressionism" ended up being the definition of utilized most frequently into the U.S. Just who: Jackson Pollock, Mark Rothko, Willem de Kooning, Lee Krasner, Adolph Gottlieb, Arshile Gorky, Robert Motherwell, Franz Kline, Barnett Newman, and Clyfford However. When: Mid-1940s through 1950s. In Which: United States Of America (New York City). Exactly what: Consciously United states design of art that affected similar European moves, eg Tachisme. Abstract Expressionism can be broken into two large subdivisions: Action Painting, which came first, and Color Field Painting. Activity Paintings typically have a more violent, frenzied look, while Color Field Paintings have actually a calmer, very nearly religious high quality. Material: Abstract, with an emphasis regarding the musician articulating sets from individual thoughts to universal, religious concerns. With the Action Painters, the physical act of artwork becomes, to some extent, the subject matter. Design: certainly not a coherent design a great deal as an attitude against old-fashioned styles (Realism), practices, and "finished" works. The painters do share in accordance their reliance on psychic self-expression. Generally speaking, "Action Painters" used dripping, splatter, pouring, or any other aggressive techniques in an endeavor to be natural and instinctive, while "colors Field Painters" preferred a saturated way of paint application. Huge canvases had been usually utilized. Janson sample: POLLOCK, Autumn Rhythm: Number 30, 1950, 1950 (activity artwork) and ROTHKO, White and Greens in Blue, 1957 (Color Field artwork). Kissick sample: POLLOCK, # 1, 1950 (Lavender Mist), 1950 (activity Painting) and ROTHKO, Untitled, 1960 (colors Field Painting). Impacted by: Van Gogh, Cubism (superficial area), Kandinsky, Dada, Surrealism (Miró and Automatism), European music artists fleeing Hitler-dominated Europe, and indigenous United states sand painting. Will influence: Tachisme, Art Brut, COBRA, Hard-Edge Painting, and Neo-Expressionism.

Op Art

Title: Short for "Optical Art." Various other names: Retinal Art, and Perceptual Abstraction. Term coined by sculptor George Rickey in 1964 during a conversation with two curators on Museum of Modern Art in nyc, where the determining Op show, "The Responsive Eye, " ended up being shown in 1965. Which: Josef Albers, Richard Anuszkiewicz, Bridget Riley, Lawrence Poons, and Victor Vasarely. Whenever: Mid-1950s to early 1970s. Where: Europe therefore the Usa. What: Art dedicated mainly to optical illusions. Op paintings frequently provide the impression of movement (vibration, pulsation) and/or depth. Subject-matter: Non-representational. design: Rigid geometric precision; repetitive outlines and forms which will appear three dimensional; no noticeable brushstrokes; usually brilliant colors. Janson Sample: ANUSZKIEWICZ, Entry to Green, 1970. Affected by: Bauhaus color principle; Mondrian; hard-edge abstraction (Ellsworth Kelly, Frank Stella); and perceptual psychology.

Pop Art

Name: Short for "Preferred Art." Term very first starred in this article "The Arts therefore the media, " because of the Brit critic Lawrence Alloway, that has been published into the Feb. 1958 dilemma of Architectural Design. Pop is more from the early 1960s, when Time, lifestyle and Newsweek all went cover tales on it. Which: Richard Hamilton, Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhhol, Tom Wesselmann, James Rosenquist, Ed Ruscha, Wayne Thiebaud, Mel Ramos, Claes Oldenburg, Robert Indiana, Robert Arneson, Jim Dine, and David Hockney. When: Late 1950s through 1960s. In which: Began in Great Britain after that rapidly spread into the usa. Motion is most connected with US designers. Just what: Movement ended up being both a reaction against Abstract Expressionism, that has been seen as also elitist and non-objective, as well as a celebration of postwar customer tradition. Pop is playful and ironic, not religious or psychological material: Preferred tradition: mass media, advertisements, comic pieces, billboards, packaging, tv and film personalities, prevalent items, etc. Style: just like the varieties of advertising production: brilliant, lurid color which occasionally off register; often the small Benday dots seen in newspaper print is copied; bold outlines and shapes; immediately recognizable objects and folks. Although Pop music artists rejected Abstract Expressionism, their work is, however, stylistically flat. Janson Sample: LICHTENSTEIN, Drowning Girl, 1963. Kissick Example: LICHTENSTEIN, Masterpiece, 1962. Influenced by: Marcel Duchamp, Dada, Jasper Johns, and Robert Rauschenberg. Will impact: Post-modernist inclination toward appropriation.


Name: Term emerged from the writings of the critic Barbara Rose, just who wrote articles entitled "ABC Art." Although that name did not capture in, the woman mention of the art reduced towards the "minimum" shortly changed into the typical term "Minimalism" because of the late sixties. Which: Donald Judd, Ronald Bladen, Dan Flavin, Sol Lewitt, Robert Morris, Richard Serra, Tony Smith, and Frank Stella. Whenever: 1960s to mid-1970s. In which: Mostly america. What: Painting and sculpture decreased to essentials. A skill that's neither expressive nor illusionistic. Very first art movement of international relevance pioneered solely by American-born performers. With greater regularity connected with sculpture without artwork. Sculptures also known as "main frameworks" after an influential program at New York's Jewish Museum in 1966. Subject Matter: Representational imagery is eliminated; non-objective art; identical and interchangeable products. Style: Geometric abstraction; grid designs; absence of a personalized "artist's touch." Janson and Kissick Example: JUDD, Untitled, 1989. Influenced by: Constructivism; post-war work of Barnett Newman, Ad Reinhardt and David Smith; and Overseas design design. Will affect: Earth art, Post-Minimalism, and post-modernism.

Conceptual Art

Name: Term "Conceptual art" arrived to large usage after the article "Paragraphs on Conceptual Art" because of the Minimalist singer Sol Lewitt appeared in the summer 1967 dilemma of Artforum. "Idea art" is a synonym for Conceptual art. Who: Joseph Kosuth, John Baldessari, Mel Bochner, John Cage, Hans Haacke, and Dennis Oppenheim. When: Mid-1960s through 1970s. In Which: International. What: In Conceptual art the idea, as opposed to the object, is essential. Conceptual artists were reacting from the commercialized art world of the 1960s, the formalism of post-war art (especially the impersonality of Minimalism), plus the limits of old-fashioned art. What the viewer often saw inside gallery ended up being simply the document (drawing, picture, written proposals, maps, maps, video clip, as well as language itself.) of this musician's thinking procedure. Sometimes, not a document was produced. The concept ended up being the "material." Conceptualism had been occasionally used as an all- encompassing term to spell it out other non-traditional art motions too, like Efficiency art and world art. Subject Matter: because art is conceptual, the subjects were exceedingly different and esoteric. Design: No single style and, oftentimes, no art object with which to attach a mode. Janson and Kissick sample: KOSUTH, One and Three seats, 1965. Impacted by: Dada, Duchamp's ready-mades, Jasper Johns' work, world art, and Minimalism. Will influence: Efficiency art.
Source: www2.palomar.edu
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