
Grant abstract example

Multimodally Encoded Spatial Photos in Sighted and Blind

Program: National Eye Institute
Sponsor: National Institutes of Wellness (NIH)
Co-PIs: N.A. Giudice, J.M. Loomis (PI), and R.L. Klatzky
Start date:


Humans can perceive surrounding area through eyesight, hearing, touch and sensed effects of activity. While they perceive and interact with their environment, men and women establish, from perceptual processing, an ongoing representation of this actual layout of objects and locations. This representation continues to be at a perceptual amount provided that it really is sustained by sensory stimulation. Maybe surprisingly, when these types of stimulation stops, as when the eyes near or an audio supply is deterred, the perceptual representation in addition ceases; however, people remain able to direct activities accordingly in space. This suggestion investigates the representation of spatial design that continues to be obtainable in the absence of direct perceptual help, and therefore serves to guide action. We call-it the “spatial image”. We suggest that spatial pictures are (1) totally three-dimensional and externalized, (2) capable of becoming created in working memory, both from perception by way of several sensory modalities and from constructive spatial processes (imagination or retrieval from long-lasting memory), and (3) amodal in nature (perhaps not with respect to the input resource).

Our recommended study will further information about spatial pictures generated by aesthetic, haptic, and auditory input. Our study contains theoretically-based experiments involving sighted and blind topics. Most of the experiments depend on reasoning to help make inferences about internal processes and representations from noticed behavior, such as verbal report, joystick manipulation, and much more complex spatial actions, like achieving, pointing, and walking. Our experiments are grouped into 3 topics. The initial subject relates to the development of spatial photos through touch, both direct and when mediated by keeping a tool, and whether spatial pictures is psychologically re-scaled at might. The second subject may be the evaluating for the amodality theory: that regardless of physical source, spatial pictures formed from different modalities function in the same manner. The 3rd topic is worried with whether spatial images are equally accurate in all directions around the mind, contrary to visual pictures which are considered of large precision only once based in front associated with the head.

Information Integration and Human communication for Indoor and Outdoor areas

System: Ideas Integration and Informatics (Small)
Sponsor: Nationwide Science Foundation
PI: Worboys, Co-PI: Giudice
Begin time: 9/1/2009

The aim of this research study is offer a framework design that integrates present types of indoor and back yard, and make use of this design to build up an interactive system for navigation in mixed interior and outdoor areas. An individual should have the change between outside and inside become seamless, in terms of the navigational help supplied. The method is composed of integration of indoors and outside on a few amounts: conceptual models (ontologies), formal system designs, data models, and real human connection. On conceptual level, the task draws on current ontologies plus examining the “affordances” your room provides. For example, an outside pedestrian walkway affords similar be an internal corridor. Formal models of place and connection are regularly properly specify the design for the navigational support system. Behavioral experiments with peoples individuals assess the validity of your framework for promoting individual spatial learning and navigation in built-in interior and outdoor surroundings. These experiments additionally enable the recognition and extraction associated with the salient popular features of interior and outside spaces for incorporation into the framework. Findings from peoples researches may help verify the effectiveness of our formal framework for encouraging human being spatial learning and navigation this kind of incorporated environments. Results will likely to be distributed using the project web site they'll certainly be integrated into graduate amount programs on personal relationship with mobile phones, distributed to public school instructors participating in the University of Maine’s NSF-funded RET (analysis Experiences for instructors), and supply linkages because of the two businesses and something research center from the project.


Sponsor: Maine Nationwide Guard
PI: Worboys, Co-PIs Nittel, Beard, Abedi
Begin day: 6/1/2009

The SenseME project is collaboration amongst the University of Maine, worldwide Relief Technologies (GRT), therefore the Maine nationwide Guard (MENG) whoever objectives tend to be to give *Critical Infrastructure Sensor Integration* and *Logistical resource Tracking* during emergencies with sensor technology to:
1. Work at a common operating photo (COP) to develop real-time info on Maine’s important infrastructure for municipal and military disaster administration officials and responders.
2. Manage Maine’s secret logistical possessions in their full lifecycles to guide MENG’s core objective to procure and go materials and products for the state during emergencies.
It consists of two programs, Critical Infrastructure Sensor Integration and Logistical investment monitoring.

Cyber Enhancement of Spatial Cognition when it comes to Visually Impaired

System: Cyber-Enabled Discovery and Innovation (CDI-Type II)
Sponsor: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Co-PIs: N.A. Giudice, K. Daniilidis (PI), R. Manduchi, and S. Roumeliotis
Start day:

Indoor navigation presents significant challenges for blind and visually-impaired people, as without sight, there clearly was often no mechanism for opening space numbers, building maps, as well as other navigation-critical ecological cues. Effective wayfinding requires effective execution of a few related actions including direction, spatial updating, and object and put recognition, which necessitate precise evaluation of the surrounding environment. Most study on wayfinding helps has actually centered on outside conditions as spatial behavior is easily supported by address allowed GPS-based navigation systems which offer usage of information explaining streets, details and tourist attractions. By contrast, there's a dearth of technology for conveying such information for encouraging ecological access and wayfinding behavior for indoor use. the limited technology which can be found requires considerable improvements into the building infrastructure and contains limited functionality, obstacles which may have discouraged adoption. The possible lack of compensatory interior navigation technology features generated remarkable issues in the self-reliance, standard of living, and safety dangers for blind people, among quickest developing demographics of our the aging process populace. Guide puppies and white canes tend to be popular for the true purpose of flexibility and ecological sensing. However, where these resources are extremely efficient for identification of obstacles when you look at the course of vacation, they don't offer information ideal for remaining focused when you look at the environment or gathering a robust psychological representation of this room (cognitive chart). Understanding had a need to solve the interior navigation challenge is a device that conveys realtime information on the environmental surroundings and which aids wayfinding behavior and cognitive chart development.

See also:
  • C# string interpolation new features newlines in string interpolation.
Source: spatial.umaine.edu
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