Early abstract paintings

Early abstract Paintings

"area Light Art" - Early Abstract Cinema and Multimedia, 1900-1959 by Cindy Keefer

Vinyl - Dance - artwork - Music become one - Oskar Fischinger

This article discusses the advancement of abstract cinema and multimedia in the 1st half of the 20th century, through the synthesis of film, shows and installations. Starting in the very first 2 decades associated with the century, European avant-garde artists affected by Wagner's "Gesamtkunstwerk" (complete Artwork) attempted the relationship of cinema to artwork, music, sculpture as well as other arts. In Germany, this experimentation resulted in the abstract or "absolute" films of Viking Eggeling, Walther Ruttman, Hans Richter, and Oskar Fischinger. The 1916 Futurist Manifesto in Italy declared that cinema would combine most of the arts, and produce a brand new art.

German abstract painter Walther Ruttmann penned in 1919 about 'painting eventually, ' that he thought is accomplished through movie. "and thus a type of musician will emerge that is very new and previously just latently available, placed approximately artwork and music … In any case, the latest art can rely on a considerably bigger audience than artwork at this time enjoys …" [1]

The very first recorded public event combining abstract movie with other news was at 1921 in Frankfurt, whenever Ruttman premiered their movie Lichtspiel Opus I with a live string quartet. Maximum Butting composed the score the film, and Ruttmann played cello. Ruttman hand-tinted the black and white film, painting numerous of frames over many years. The film had been called moving paintings with time; reviews spoke of a brand new talent. This occasion was enormously important not merely in the growth of abstract or 'absolute' film, but specifically regarding the work of a young filmmaker when you look at the market known as Oskar Fischinger.

Subsequent abstract films by Ruttman, Richter, Eggeling and Fischinger had been screened followed closely by real time music, and in Ruttmann's case the results had been especially composed for movies. This German activity of absolute movies had been described as:

"Malerei mit Zeit" [painting with time] (Ruttmann); "Bewegungskunst" [art in action] (Eggeling); "Augenmusik" [visual music], "Lichttonsinfonie" [symphony of light and sound], "zeitraumliche Eurhythmie" [eurythmics in area and time] (Diebold), and "Kinomalerei" [cinematic painting] (Yvan Goll)… [2]

Meanwhile, a school of kinetic light projection experiments making use of 'color organs' had been really underway in Europe and America by many composers, performers and boffins. Color organs had been often carried out in correspondence with music compositions. Though not one used conventional cinematographic film, the mixture of light projection machines and abstract cinema in performance evolved rapidly when you look at the 1920s.

In the Weimer Bauhaus School in 1922, Ludwig Hirschfeld-Mack and Kurt Schwerdtfeger tried reflected light forecasts from a mechanical, hand-operated color organ. (A recreation of those activities had been filmed with Schwerdtfeger's guidance in 1966). Hirschfeld-Mack soon began performing colour organ "Reflektorischen Farbenlichtspiele" openly.

Beginning in 1925 a number of events (mainly in Germany) featured shade organ performances, abstract and avant-garde movies for a passing fancy programs. Hence began an early on custom of 'multimedia occasions' featuring light forecasts and abstract cinema, although the two media weren't performed at the same time until 1926.

Source: www.centerforvisualmusic.org
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